Importance of pH:
PH is very important in the control of number of water and waste water treatment processes and in the control of corrosion.
W.H.O guide line value:
World organization suggested a guideline value of (6.5) to (8.5) for pH of water.
Apparatus & Chemicals:
Buffers (pH4, pH) standard pH solution problem pH meter stand and colorimetric paper and water sample
1. Colorimetric Method:
.Dip the colorimetric paper in water sample.
.Compute the color of paper with color from the table and note the PH of water against this color, This is the PH of the sample.
2. Electrometric Method:
- Press "01" key of PH meter to bring the meter in working condition.
- Press the PH key and calibrate key so that the screen shows "00.00" reading.
- Dip the problem into standard solution of PH - 7 and press "standard" key so that the screen gives 7.00 reading.
- Dip the probe in water sample and press"disperser" key and PH key to get the PH of the sample.
- Read the value of PH from Screen.